
How can we help you today?

Explore your benefits

See which benefits Edward Jones automatically provides as well as benefits you can choose to enroll in.

Who's eligible

In addition to yourself, you can cover your eligible spouse/domestic partner and children.

Enroll in benefits

You have 31 days from your start date to enroll in the medical plan.

2024 rates and coverage details

See how much you'll pay for coverage based on your role and who you cover.

View benefit glossary

Get definitions for commonly used benefit terms.


Contact HR Help at 800-440-3060, 314-515-1006, or

2024 rates and coverage details

See how much you’ll pay for coverage based on your role and who you cover.

Who’s eligible

In addition to yourself, you can cover your eligible spouse/domestic partner and children.

Summary Plan Description (SPD)

View and download a copy of an SPD for your records.

Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)

View and download a copy of an SBC for your records.

Contact benefit providers

View the contact information for all your benefit providers.

Have questions about your benefits?

Contact HR Help at 800-440-3060, 314-515-1006, or